Specialist Expertise
Dr Simcock has a specialist interest in all respiratory disorders including common lung conditions such as:
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Lung infections including tuberculosis
Lung cancer
Lung fibrosis
Diseases of the pleura
Pulmonary emboli
Sub-specialty Expertise
1. Respiratory Endoscopy
Dr Simcock has performed >3,000 bronchoscopic procedures and is lead clinician for respiratory endoscopy at Barts Health NHS Trust.
2. Sleep & Respiratory Failure
Dr Simcock works in a specialist sleep and respiratory failure unit at St Bartholomew’s hospital receiving regional referrals from a wide geographical area for conditions including:
a) Sleep disorders:
- Snoring
- Obstructive sleep apnoea
- Upper airways resistance syndrome
- Narcolepsy
- Idiopathic hypersomnolence
b) Chronic respiratory failure caused by:
- Obesity, including assessment and investigation of obese patients undergoing bariatric/weight loss surgery
- Neuromuscular diseases (such as motor neurone disease, myopathies/muscular dystrophies)
- Diseases of the chest wall (such as khyphosis, scoliosis, polio).
Dr Simcock has considerable expertise in the interpretation of sleep studies, CPAP and BiPAP modes of respiratory support, home oxygen and fitness to fly assessments.
Dr Simcock is a registered consultant provider with the following insurance companies:
BUPA provider no: 04416652
AXA PPP provider no: DS04196
CIGNA provider no: 97969
Exeter Friendly provider no: S2164237
WPA provider no: 920172164
AVIVA provider no:600074816